Early French Immersion
The ratio of instructional time between French and English will be as set out by the Ministry of Education. In Early French Immersion, this means the percentage of instruction in French at the elementary level will be 100% until the English language arts curriculum is introduced in Grade Three. The percentage of instruction in French will then be a minimum of 80% to the end of Grade Seven. The exception to this would be in cases where teacher preparation time and/or Exploratory courses are unable to be covered by a bilingual teacher. From Grades Eight through Ten, students will receive 50-75% French instruction. In Grades Eleven and Twelve, students will receive no less than 25% French instruction. To enable immersion students to improve and become competent in French, they should be offered, in the process of course selection, the maximum number of courses in French. The District will follow the Ministry of Education’s guidelines for Middle/Secondary French Immersion relating to instructional time, competent staff, and adequate facilities.
Late French Immersion
The ratio of instructional time between French and English will be as set out by the Ministry of Education. In Late French Immersion, this means the percentage of French instruction in Grade Six will be 100%, until the English Language Arts curriculum is reintroduced in Grade Seven. The percentage of instruction in French will then be a minimum of 80% to the end of Grade Seven. The exception to this would be in cases where teacher preparation time and/or Exploratory courses are unable to be covered by a bilingual teacher. From Grades Eight through Ten, students will receive 50-75% French instruction. In Grades Eleven and Twelve, students will receive no less than 25% French instruction. To enable immersion students to improve and become competent in French, they should be offered, in the process of course selection, the maximum number of courses in French. The District will follow the Ministry of Education’s guidelines for Middle/Secondary French Immersion relating to instructional time, competent staff, and adequate facilities.
Please note, the Early and Late programs merge into one Immersion program in Grade Eight.