Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL)

The Framework supports a system-wide focus on improving student outcomes and life chances for every student in BC with a particular emphasis on Indigenous students, children and youth in care and students with disabilities or diverse abilities.

Created within the Mandate for the School system - the "Educated Citizen" and the BC Tri-partite Education Agreement, the Framework requires government, school districts, education partners and rightsholders to share responsibility for student success. It is a collaborative approach to increasing student success and life chances for every student in public education in British Columbia.

The Framework is a common reference point which enables all parts of the system to take collective responsibility for making sure students are learning well and are prepared for entering post-secondary studies or the working world.

Highlights of the Framework:

  • Students feel welcome, safe and connected to their school;
  • Students meet or exceed literacy and numeracy expectations for each grade level;
  • Students graduate; 
  • Students have the core competencies to achieve their career and life goals.

Ministry of Education Implementation of the Framework for Enhancing Student Learning

Ministry of Education Framework for Enhancing Student Learning Policy


SD 33 Framework for Enhancing Student Learning 2022/2023 Report (including Appendices)


SD 33 Framework for Enhancing Student Learning 2021/2022 Report

SD 33 Framework for Enhancing Student Learning 2021/2022 Appendices


SD 33 Framework for Enhancing Student Learning 2020/21 Report

SD 33 Framework for Enhancing Student Learning 2020/21 Appendices