The Chilliwack School Districts' District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) is a legislated organization recognized within B.C.'s School Act to represent the parent voice at the school district level. DPAC's main role as an advocate for parent involvement in the education system is to provide input into the development of policy and curricula through the collective views of all School District Parent Advisory Councils (PACs).
DPAC Executive
- Chair - Katie Bartel qcnp@fq33.op.pnac.cb.33ds@capd
- Vice Chair - Deirdre O’Connor qcnpic@fq33.op.pnac.cb.33ds@pvcapd
- Secretary - Stacey Gould qcnpfrpergnel@fq33.op.pnac.cb.33ds@yratercescapd
- Treasurer - Jessica Clarke qcnpgernfhere@fq33.op.pnac.cb.33ds@rerusaertcapd
- BCCPAC Representative - Cary Moore qcnpoppcnperc@fq33.op.pnac.cb.33ds@percapccbcapd
- Indigenous Liaison- Gina Phillips qcnpvy@fq33.op.pnac.cb.33ds@licapd
- Member at Large 1 - TBD
- Member at Large 2 - Matthew Stevenson qcnpzny2@fq33.op.pnac.cb.33ds@2lamcapd
- 2024/2025 Meetings
- 2023/2024 Meetings
- 2022/2023 Meetings
- 2021/2022 Meetings
- 2020/2021 Meetings
- 2019/2020 Meetings
DPAC Facebook Page - Please select Link.