District/Authority Awards, from the BC Ministry of Education, recognize graduating BC students for excellence in their chosen are of interest or strength. Students who demonstrate superior achievement in one of these areas are encouraged to apply. Selection for these awards is not based on academic achievement.
- Students must meet BC Graduation Program or Adult Graduation Program requirements before August 31, of their graduating year.
- Students can win only one District/Authority Award.
- The award is valued at $1250.00.
- The award is valid for 5 years.
- Canadian citizen or permanent resident (landed immigrant) at the time of registration in the school year for which the scholarship is awarded.
- A BC resident.
- Meet the criteria determined by the district scholarship committee, including demonstration of outstanding achievement in one of the identified areas of interest/strength. (See Application Form for requirements.)
Area of Interest/Strength:
- Applied Design, Skills and Technologies
- Community Service (volunteerism)
- Fine Arts
- Indigenous Languages and Culture
- Languages (International)
- Physical Activity
- Technical and Trades Training
District/Authority applications are accepted at your school of record. Recipient selection is conducted by school committee on behalf of the Ministry of Education. For further information speak with your Career Advisor/Counsellor or visit District/Authority.
Download the Application Form: District Authority Award Application Form
Application packages are to be uploaded on MS Teams (CSS/GWG/SSS), or submitted to the counsellor (KSS), during the upload window: See your school counsellor or Career Advisor for deadlines.
BC Ministry of Education Scholarship Program
In addition to the District/Authority Award, the BC MOE offers several other awards to graduating students. Visit provincial-scholarships to learn more.