Busing registration for the September 2024-2025 school year is open!
Please review the information contained on this page and scroll down to register.
Registration Fee:
- February - May 31 (no charge)
- June 1 - $50.00
- July 1 - $75.00
Please note:
610 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE – Transportation – Eligibility, Conditions and Registration 1. All riders must be registered to ride a school bus. Parents are requested to register their children on-line when registrations open in February, and students must be registered no later than the end of July. Priority will be given to riders whose registration fees are paid or have an approved fee exemption. Registrations received after July 31st may not be able to be accommodated. |
If your child is a First Time rider with the Chilliwack School District
- A passport style picture is required for the Student Bus Pass identification.
- Please e-mail the picture and name of your student(s) to genafcbegngvba-bssvpr@fq33.op.pnac.cb.33ds@eciffo-noitatropsnart
Courtesy Riders:
Courtesy rider fees for the 2024-25 school year are $295 per student with a maximum family fee of $590. Courtesy Ridership approval will be determined and parents/guardians notified once regular riders have been accommodated.
Loss of Bus Pass
Lost bus passes must be replaced. Bus passes will be reproduced by the Transportation Department for a $10.00 processing fee.
613 Administrative Procedure: Transportation - Registration and Fees 2024/2025
Busing eligibility:
Bus Registration Terms and Conditions
Walking distance and catchment school:
Use this link: http://mybaragar.com/index.cfm?event=page.SchoolLocatorPublic&DistrictCode=BC33
- Enter home street name
- Click “I’m not a robot”
- Click “Find my school”
- Select house number
- Catchment schools will be listed
To find the distance to school:
Click on school - Click on “Get Walking Directions” in LEGEND on the right side of the screen.
Please email the Transportation Department for a link to register for the "current school year"
- I would like to be removed from the bus registration list
- I would like to be removed from the SD33 Transportation department email list
Thank you for taking the time to register.
Chilliwack School District Transportation Department
Department link: https://sd33.bc.ca/transportation-department