

The Chilliwack School District is seeking community members to serve on its Budget Advisory Committee

The Budget Advisory Committee consists of three (3) trustee representatives (one to serve as Chair and one as Vice-Chair) and one (1) representative from each of the following groups.

• Chilliwack Principals’ and Vice Principals’ Association (CPVPA); 
• Chilliwack Teachers’ Association (CTA); 
• Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 411 (CUPE); 
• District Parent Advisory Committee (DPAC); 
• Indigenous community; 
• Management group; and 
• Up to two (2) community representatives. 

The duties of the Budget Advisory Committee fall under the following key areas: providing input to the Board on matters related to the preliminary budget and budget monitoring. The committee meets at least five (5) times per school year with additional meetings scheduled at the direction of the Chair of the Committee, as circumstances require. Generally, meetings occur in the months of October, January, February, April, and May. 

Community members will be appointed by the Board in October 2023 for a two-year term.

Submission of Applications 

Suitably qualified candidates interested in serving on the committee are invited to complete the application form and submit it to the school district office or by email to gnynan_zpvanyyl@fq33.op.pnac.cb.33ds@yllanicm_analat .

Applications are still being accepted!

For more information about the Budget Advisory Committee and Board Advisory Committees, please visit the following links: 

Policy 160 - Board Advisory Committees 
Policy 162 - Budget Advisory Committee