


November 2023
November 2023


Food Safety Courses 

Food safety courses focus on processing, preparing, handling and serving food safely. Some courses, such as FOODSAFE Level 1, are compulsory for many people working in the food service industry in British Columbia. People of all ages who handle, process and/or serve food are recommended to take food safety courses.


Caring About Food Safety

Caring About Food Safety is a short, self-guided course about the safe preparation and handling of food. Offered at no cost by the Ministry of Health, it is designed to raise awareness about protecting public health by preventing the spread of food-borne illness.

Caring About Food Safety is for anyone who buys, prepares, handles or serves food to family and friends, and people in workplaces where there are no mandated food-safety training requirements. It is useful for people whose clients are more susceptible to food-borne illness. These include operators of child daycares and of small, residential care facilities.

Click on the image below get started on the Caring About Food Safety course.

Caring about Food Safety