Chilliwack School District Student Dress Code

We would like your feedback on the most important things we should consider as we review the guidelines for a Chilliwack School District Dress Code. We are using an online platform called ThoughtExchange where you can share your thoughts independently and confidentially, and consider and rate thoughts shared by others. Note that the deadline for the forum is Tuesday, April 30, 2019. All feedback will be collated and provided to the Education Policy Advisory Committee regarding a proposed new policy on a student dress code as per the approved Board motion that was passed on March 12, 2019

"THAT the Board of Education recommends the adoption of the following policy and will seek feedback from partner groups via the Education Policy Advisory Committee"

534 Policy: Student Dress Code

The Board is committed to providing students with learning environments that are safe and inclusive. Students must show respect for everyone, and this does not change based on how someone is dressed. The Board believes that judgments on the appropriateness of student attire are best made by students and their families, because clothing choices reflect individual identity, cultural norms, and socio-economic factors and are intensely personal. Students may attend school and school-related functions in clothing of their choice, provided that it meets the following conditions:

  1. Conforms with the health and safety requirements for the intended activity.
  2. Does not promote drugs or alcohol.
  3. Does not display profanity.
  4. Does not display discriminatory language or images.
  5. This policy does not apply to schools that have adopted school uniforms.

There are two ways of participating in the forum (no login required, please select continue and agree to the terms of use on the opening page, and then select participate. Note you do not have to use your e-mail to register):

  1. Select the link and participate
  2. Participate in this exchange by navigating to, clicking JOIN in the top right-hand corner and entering the following 9-digit code: 702-412-057