We are excited to highlight the work that schools, departments, and staff are engaging in to support learning and growth.
This story series celebrates the daily successes across the district that promote and are aligned with our Strategic Plan.
- French Bootcamp - Core French for Middle - Curriculum Department
- Inclusive Sports Day - CMS Family of Schools
- Accessibility - District and Community
- Grad Coaches - Indigenous Education
- Secondary Non-Enrolling Update - Student Services
- Child and Youth in Care - Student Services
- District Athletics Vision - Curriculum Department
- Elementary Numeracy Collaboration - Curriculum Department
- Support Staff Professional Learning - District and CUPE Partnership
- Family Navigator Highlights - Early Learning Department
- Child Care and Just B4 Highlights - Early Learning Department
- Graham Y Program - G.W. Graham Secondary
- Vision Clinic - Student Services
- Literacy in the Middle Years - Curriculum Department
- Indigenizing Curriculum: River SNAP - Curriculum and Indigenous Ed. Departments
- Professional Development Day - Learning Services
- Secondary Literacy Retreat - Curriculum and Indigenous Ed. Departments
- Universal Design for Learning - Leary Integrated Arts and Technology
- Global Read Aloud: Rover Day - Unsworth Elementary
- Kindergarten Make and Take - Tyson Elementary
- Transitions - WEB and LINK Crew
- Innovation - Leary Meet the Teacher Evening
- Truth & Reconciliation - Chilliwack Middle School
- Stó:lō Xáy:yxeleq Há:kw’eles Swáyel: Indigenous Veteran’s Day - Central Elementary
- Numeracy Collaboration - Leary Integrated Arts and Tech
- FSA with Care - Curriculum Department
- Family of Schools In-Services - Student Services
- Middle Years Project